Monday, August 31, 2009
Some of your favourite quotes from Twilight movie Part 1 - rec'd via Twitter
"So you enjoying the rain?" - Edward to Bella in Biology
'I don't just surf the internet' - 'La Push baby, It's la push' - both quotes by Eric to Bella as he tries to get her to go to the Quileute Beach, La Push.
'Look at you huh, you're alive' (complete with jazz hands)- Mike to Bella the day after the van crash. LOL'd at the jazz hands comment.
'What's sup arizona, how you likin' the rain gurl?' - Mike Newton to Bella as they enter Biology - Bless him...
Billy: "I’m down with the kids". Charlie: (sarcastically) "Oh yeah, dude, you’re the bomb". (I love this one)
"Hi, I’m… I’m Jacob. We used to make mudpies when we were little"- Taylor to Bella when they meet outside Charlies house.
"You better hold on tight, spidermonkey!" - Edward to Bella before he runs up a tree with her on his back. (I really want to be Spidermonkey)
"I had an adrenaline rush. It's quite common, you can Google it!" - Edward to Bella after he saves her from being crushed by a van.
'New Moon' Actor on Aggressive Confrontation With Kristen Stewart
Alex Meraz has gone too far with Kristen Stewart during New Moon shooting. On Saturday, August 29, the second day of Summit and Creation Entertainment's official "Twilight" convention at New Jersey, the actor who plays Paul in this Twilight sequel and his co-star Chaske Spencer revealed that Meraz was overly aggressive while filming a confrontation scene with Kristen who plays Bella Swan.
The scene was supposed to be a simple confrontation between Bella and the wolf pack. However, when dissolving into his part, Meraz played the scene overly aggressive by screaming, grabbing Stewart by the throat and hurtling his line at her. But apparently, director Chris Weitz did not agree with Meraz's take on the scene as the actor was halted by the filmmaker.
"Chris Weitz comes off-set like, 'Yeah, I like the energy Alex, but just take it down a little,' " Spencer, the depicter of Sam Uley, helped his co-star recalling the shooting process which involved Meraz and Stewart. "Meanwhile the producers are freaking out back there." Meraz jokingly added, "'Cause nobody touches Kristen Stewart".
David Slade tweets great pictures of Taylor Lautner
Peter Facinelli - Charity signing & donation in Portland
Even though the Twilight Convention in Portland, Oregon was cancelled this past weekend it didnt deter star Peter Facinelli heading to Portland to sign autographs for fans and visit the children of Doernbecher Children's Hospital.
Last night he said this in a Tweet (Via Twitlonger):
The courage I saw in the faces of these sick children is something I will never forget. Their smiles were stronger than any disease. Even the sickest of the group I met were determined that yesterday be a good day. I spent the morning with them in awe of their strength. Not only their strength but the strength of their family members supporting them. It made me very aware how much health is taken for granted. I pray they win their fight and can return home again soon.
Over $5000 was raised during the 4 - hour signing he did. He also tweeted :-
I was so affected by what I saw yesterday morning, and so inspired by those children, their families, and all who came out in support, that I have decided to personally match that $5000.00. Doernbecher's Children's Hospital will be receiving $10,000 due to our collaborative efforts this weekend.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Kristen Stewart on Set of Eclipse with new 'Bella' hair + Pics of Billy Burke (Charlie) + Random set pics
Friday, August 28, 2009
Taylor Lautner - Interview & Pic
Taylor Lautner - who's still only 17 - sits down for an interview with Interview Magazine, dishing about the Twilight series, how he had to bulk up for the New Moon sequel (the kid gained 30 pounds!) and what it's like having so many sudden fans...
Apparently, there are two types of fans: "The cries, who come around quite often," says Taylor, and "the hyperventilators, who stop breathing and have to have a medic come." Whoa, that's a little intense!
But what we really wanna know is if he hangs out with Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart off set! "The whole cast is really close," Taylor admits. "If we’re out at dinner, we’ll just randomly start talking about the scene we’re shooting the next day."
Aww, sounds like one big, happy family!
More Pics of Volturi Revealed & Stephenie wanted to avoid 'Wizard' look report : In New Moon, the second installment in Stephenie Meyer's wildly popular Twilight saga, readers are first introduced to the ancient ruling class of vampires known as the Volturi. Determined to capture their creepy menace for his screen version opening Nov. 20, New Moon director Chris Weitz has given them custom-crafted blood-red eyes.
"They're all hand-painted, specially manufactured contacts," Weitz tells PEOPLE. "They're opaque red, almost like preying mantis eyes. You can't really see into them. There's something terribly off-putting about it."
British actor Michael Sheen (The Queen) plays Aro, leader of the Italian blood-sucking clan. Although Aro and his brothers Marcus (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower) have been "alive" for thousands of years, Weitz says he "deliberately" gave them a younger look in the film – for which he credits author Meyer.
"Stephenie was very keen to steer away from a kind of wizard-y look for the vampires," says Weitz. "They do look quite young, but they convey a formality and self-possession, which comes from age."
Perhaps most lethal of all the Volturi is Jane (Dakota Fanning), an angelic-looking vampire who inflicts physical torture on her victims. "She is very strange and very spooky in this movie," says Weitz. "I think [Dakota] wanted to play an evil character for once."
Rob & Sam are Renaissance Men (also early Happy Birthday to Sam)

Both Sam and Rob are renaissance men. Renaissance is simply an older term referring to the early modern era, when ancient scientific and artistic knowledge was revisited in a flurry of creation. The Renaissance man of Shakespeare’s world was an interesting character. He was brave, courageous and bold, alright, but if he wanted to earn the admiration of his contemporaries, he needed a sense for art, social skills, dance, and good manners. It also didn’t hurt his reputation any if he could be counted on for a song or a sonnet when the situation called for one. Manliness was multi-faceted – a bit like Rob Pattinson and Sam Bradley of today. Actors and singer/songwriters like Rob and Sam, are young men who embrace their feminine side as well as their masculine side. They have to in order to emote the powerful feelings and emotions in their music and in Rob’s case, his acting, as well. Sensitivity and feelings, power and courage, were seen not in opposition of one another, but in balance in Shakespeare’s day. And, Rob and Sam both display this renaissance quality today. Rob, the renaissance man. Sam, the renaissance man.
Sam and Rob are both renaissance men who know that romance, vulnerability and sensitivity are the very things that women love and this is clearly felt in both Sam’s and Rob’s music, as well as Rob’s acting. (If any of you saw Rob in Little Ashes and Twilight, you’ll understand this statement.) Somehow, these two 23 year old men know how to uncover the language of the heart.
Read the rest of this article here
Kristen Stewart Interview - The Twilight Zone

Lesley o'Toole from Independent (UK) Writes - She might have ousted Miley Cyrus from her mystifying position as The World's Most Famous Teenage Girl but Twilight star Kristen Stewart, 19, is in denial. "People don't really recognise me," she smiles, knowing it sounds unhinged. "I think I just look different in person or something. I'm also not very approachable." She laughs hard and knowingly. Take the outfit she wore to this month's Teen Choice Awards (where she won Best Actress Drama for Twilight): a Rock & Republic dress, the skirt section of which comprised only silver spikes. It didn't take an expert to deduce the message: "Don't stand so close to me!"
Stewart has already earned a reputation in the media for being difficult, but it seems a rather uncharitable label. In my three meetings with her, she has been fidgety, yes, uncomfortable, check, awkward, always, but never rude, dismissive or arrogant.
"I do feel that nowadays everyone perceives you the same way," she says, pondering a Facebook/Twitter age in which she does not participate. "I prefer something I can touch! But now everybody knows everything about you. Even your parents have to know where you are because of course you have a cellphone. They can always reach you. You can't even have a private life away from your family, it's like everything is very hands-on."