Reese Witherspoon has told MTV that she finds her "Water for Elephants" costar, Robert Pattinson, "extraordinarily attractive." (Video below)
She made her comments during an interview to promote her upcoming film, "How Do You Know?"
She went on to compliment her costar saying,
"Robert is such a great guy from a great family. That's the thing that's so funny. He's not really this bad boy; he's just a great guy and really worked hard on 'Water for Elephants'. He really worked long hours, long days. He looks totally different in the movie.”
She also said that while filming WFE, "Twilight" fans would camp out for a glimpse at Pattinson.
"The only thing I can compare it to is when Leo [DiCaprio] was in 'Titanic,'" she said. "It was that kind of fervor about a person. The women lining up outside the set - it was just unbelievable - till 5 o'clock in the morning waiting to just glimpse him."
Water For Elephants is expected to open in April 2011