Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Bill Condon Talks Everything Breaking Dawn
A few lucky fansites got to interview Bill Condon this past Summer, and the result was one really great interview.
I am giving you a warning now, though, that it is a HUGE interview!
TwilightLexicon has split it into two parts, but I have put them in the one post for convenience.
Oh yeah, and it also contains spoilers, so continue at your own risk!!
I am giving you a warning now, though, that it is a HUGE interview!
TwilightLexicon has split it into two parts, but I have put them in the one post for convenience.
Oh yeah, and it also contains spoilers, so continue at your own risk!!
Bill Condon (BC) Interview
June 3, 2011
(Just finished seeing clips and trailer.
Introductions of all present just concluded)
Interview Part 1
BC: So what did you all think? Any thoughts?Q(From Brazilian Blogger): I can’t find the words to explain seeing them where I am from, in my favorite movie. Seeing Kristen out in Rio—to see Kristen there was like…BC: Yeah, it was great to go down there—Brazilian Blogger: I’m trying to recover.(laughter)BC: It was so fun. That’s how we started the movie, too. We spent our first couple weeks there, you know. And it was so great to actually feel, you know—it was actually our biggest experience of fans, kind of being on the set or tracking Rob and Kristen. It actually calmed down after that, but you really felt the excitement when you were there, you know?
Q: Was the fan interaction—I mean that was the one scene where it seemed like there were a lot of people around during filming.BC: Right.Blogger: Was that distracting or did it help elevate the mood?BC: Uh, it was weird ‘cause that was again like our second night and it was—I didn’t know what to expect and actually, it turned out to be the most extreme of anything that happened through the whole movie. But when we’re on the streets of Lapa, suddenly, you know, we’re shooting something and this girl suddenly jumps into the shot and throws herself on Rob, goes “ha ha ha ha”, gets pulled off, and I think she was beheaded. I never saw her again.(laughter)BC: Something happened to her. But after that—but yeah, it was a little crazy there. Yeah, definitely.
Q: How much of the fandom did you know about before you jumped into this?Bill: We’d gotten big lectures from all the people at Summit about what it was going to be like. And I actually have to say, in Baton Rouge we were in the studio the whole time, so it was actually really under control, you know. It was actually only being on the streets in Brazil that we saw it.
Q: How much fun was it scouting the locations? I mean, I guess next to Chris Weitz getting to go to scout out in Italy—BC: I know! Can you imagine? Yeah.Blogger: —you probably had the next most exciting things to go scout. How involved were you in the scouting of the locations?BC: Well, I mean Richard Sherman scouted first. He spent a month there ‘cause it was tough to find Isle Esme, you know?Jack Morrissey(Bill Condon’s partner): Richard Sherman’s the production designer.BC: And then I got to go to the last five possibilities or something like that. But it was great. I mean, scouting in a boat and stopping off for lunch at the little fish place on an island…No problems there. It was fun.
Q: How familiar with the series were you before you decided to pop into the last installment?BC: Right. Pretty familiar, I guess. But not you know—I wouldn’t say I was a student of it but I was aware of them all and had seen them all. But then obviously once I jumped in it was really about Twilight Lexicon and it was the books and rereading and just making sure that we had everything right. You know things like—you saw the—Rob’s thing about( referencing a clip showing a glimpse into Edward’s past where he is at a movie theatre stalking “human monsters” )“I haven’t told you everything about myself” and there was a moment when I moved away from Carlisle. That’s only one line I think in the first book, you know, and he’d mentioned it one offhanded comment in one of the movies. But that was an example of something where the first time I met with Rob we had a long great night, many, many, many beers [laughter] and um, he said that one thing that had frustrated him a little is that—I guess that had been more developed in the first book, that was from Edward’s point of view, and it kind of informed the way he was playing the part throughout the whole movie. This sense of self-loathing and guilt that came from having killed humans for that period and yet, it had never been explored in the movies. So it felt like then I went back and looked at the section that described it in Twilight and I felt like, God, what better time right before a wedding to lay out the last objection, you know? And to have it also explain who he’s been, and then in the wedding you’ll see he has a toast where he said—he talks about the fact “to find that one person who can look at you, know everything there is to know about you and still accept you for who you are. I’m ready to move on”. So that being caught in this perpetual 17, and this perpetual kind of—I think you’ll see starting from the moment he gets married he moves on. The performance changes. It’s about him becoming a man. So I think that will be an interesting shift for people, you know? So that—the whole idea of just sort of, between discussions with him, going back finding a line in the first book and then deciding to dramatize that with an episode of him being someone who was on the hunt for human blood felt like something we hadn’t seen before.
Bill Condon,
Breaking Dawn,
Robert Pattinson
How Robert Pattinson helped to build a school for teen girls in Cambodia
Robert Pattinson has given young girls—and everyone else, for that matter—another reason to love him even more. Here's how it came about: About a year ago, Pattinson donated a meet and greet with fans on the set of Breaking Dawn for a charity auction.
Not only did a Chicago family win the coveted prize with a bid of $80,000, but...
The money raised by Pattz for GO Campaign is being used 100 percent to build a permanent home for PAGE (Program Advancing Girls Education), an organization helping to educate teen girls in Cambodia.
PAGE currently houses 12 girls in a rented facility. Sadly, they've had to move several times over the last three years because of health and safety concerns.
The new home will accommodate 20 girls. Run by Cambodian monks in Siem Reap, Cambodia, PAGE has also bought a piece of land large enough for its own vegetable garden to help feed the students.
And now we're happy to report that Pattinson is helping GO Campaign again! He's donated a private screening of Breaking Dawn for 20 people that will take place in Los Angeles on Nov. 17, the night before the movie opens in theaters.
Host of the screening will also take home a Twilight gift bag that includes signed posters, DVDs and a replica of Bella's wedding ring, among many other goodies.
Like last year, Pattinson's package is part of the auction that coincides with GO Campaign's GO GO Gala. Hosted by Ewan McGregor, the fourth annual event takes place Nov. 10 at the London Hotel in Los Angeles.
The set visit was the highest bid ever for a GO Campaign auction. Will R.Pattz shatter his own record this time around?
We have a feeling he will.
Original Article: E! Online
E News,
E Online,
Robert Pattinson
New Bel Ami Still + Australian Release Date Update
Here’s a new still of Robert Pattinson as Georges DuRoy and a new release update from the Australian distributor.
According to Hopscotch Films:
Hey guys, there’s been a lot of talk and online speculation about the release date of BEL AMI, which stars Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman, Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas. We can confirm that we will be releasing BEL AMI in the first quarter of 2012, however the exact date has not been confirmed – yet. We will announce more details soon – you’ll be the first to know :)
Source / via
Bel Ami,
Bel Ami Still,
Hopscotch Films,
Release Date
Interview + Transcript of Robert Pattinson on TF1 (France)
Twilight, the fourth movie is coming out next month. The luckiest were able to see it yesterday at the Premiere of the movie, in Paris. We’ll talk about it in a few seconds with Robert Pattinson but first Benedicte Duran and Frédérique Miniard are going to present us the movie.I’ll spare you what said in the tiny documentary, nothing interesting.
Laurence: Robert, hello.Rob: hello.
Laurence: Thank you for being in Paris. You come to France quite often! You have to like France to come promote the movie, don’t you?Robert: No definitely, yeah. I love coming here; I come pretty much every three months.
Laurence: So today you came to talk to us about the last movie of the saga, which was cut into 2 movies. The shooting is over, everything’s packed. How are you feeling? Do you feel sad because it’s over or are you relieved?Robert: I'm a little bit of both. I mean I spent four years, so eh… It was a major part of my life. When I finished one of the Twilight movies, we filmed another one. Then I did a different movie, then we'd go back and shoot another Twilight, so it’s very strange not to be in this system anymore. I gotten used to it. I’ve made some great friends but I don’t know how much longer I can play seventeen so … I’m almost 26. It gets tricky after a while.
Laurence: About your character, Edward. Does he suit you? Do you feel that you're over him now that you've gone forward in your movie career?Rob: I guess in some way, yeah. I guess I’m filled with self-loathing. [Laughs] No, I'm not, no. I guess in some ways I am. In this new one, I sort of step away from his characterization in the book, because he’s really passive in it and I needed to do more to give some kind of energy to the character. But I don’t know if he’s like me, maybe I have just grown closer to him after all these years.
Laurence: What’s interesting, and we saw it in the news footage earlier, is that your audience has changed too. Before, you had a bigger number of younger fangirls, but now you also have the moms of those girls. They are called twimoms, the twilight moms.Does this surprise you, this phenomenon of a generation jump, going from little girls to older women?Rob: I think they got younger. It started off with fans in their forties and now I feel like they’re coming right out of the cradle. I always assumed it was going to be a younger audience but it’s a lot of women in their mid-twenties, almost. The ones always hanging out on set. I don’t know maybe the little girls are getting influence by their moms.
Laurence: Do you consider yourself a big Hollywood star or are you still, in your head, this English kid who likes music and rock and roll, and who sort of does this as an act of rebellion?Rob: I don’t know. I don’t have the same life that I used to. I’ve learned to like L.A. a lot more. I was in London last week and it’s now almost impossible to live in London. There are so many people in the streets peeking out of everywhere so you have to hide. But in L.A. if you get out of your car you can probably avoid the crowd. Yeah, I don’t really know what I am.
Laurence: Let’s talk about music. You sang two songs for the first movie of the saga. Now that the filming is over, there are rumors that you’re going to record a whole album?Robert: I mean, maybe one day. There are always these sorts of rumors. I’m always playing and recording but I don’t know... People hate when actors become musicians, so I’ve been avoiding it for the longest time possible.
Laurence: You're still making movies. You just filmed a movie with the Canadian, David Cronenberg. Do you want to take a different turn with your career after the enormous weight that is playing Edward Cullen and Twilight?Robert: I mean, it’s not really moving away. I don’t think I can see myself doing Twilght after Twilight film for the next twenty years. But I’ve always wanted to mix it up, I mean working with people like Cronenberg, I mean that’s … I loved Cronenberg before I even started acting and especially with amazing actors, Juliette Binoch is in it, and Mathieu Amalric. There are tons of French people working with him. It’s totally different from what I’ve done before and I feel like I’m going in the right direction.
Laurence: Thank you so much, Robert Pattinson. Did you learn some French words during the filming of Cronenberg’s movie?Robert: French words in general or about him?
Laurence: French words in general?Rob: Just words in French. I can say... huh. What do I know in French huh? I’m gonna sound like I’m completely insane. Le cochon dinde (guinea pig). Le bibliothèque (the library). Quelle est le date de ton anniversaire? (When is your birthday ?). God, I sound like such an idiot.
Laurence: No, you sounded very charming. Thank you for coming here! Breaking Dawn comes out next month on our big screens.
Thanks to ToR
Rob, Kristen and Taylor all Confirmed for MTV First: Breaking Dawn on November 3rd!
*Update 27-10-2011*
*Original post*
We'll be getting a Breaking Dawn Special next Thursday, Nov. 3rd! Can't wait :D
MTV has confirmed this news today, and revealed that Rob, Kristen and Taylor will all be in attendance for the MTV First Special on Nov. 3rd - plus - they will reveal a never-before-seen clip from Breaking Dawn!
It all kicks off next Thursday at 7:56 PM ET (11.56 PM GMT) and you can send your questions to MTV from today, using MTV.com or by tweeting with the hashtags #AskTwilight or #MTVFirst.
*Original post*
We'll be getting a Breaking Dawn Special next Thursday, Nov. 3rd! Can't wait :D
Josh Horowitz,
MTV First
Alexandra Chando Talks About Her ‘Remember Me’
Screen Test with Robert Pattinson
In case you didn't know, Alexandra Chando went for a screen-test to play "Ally" in Remember Me. (The part ended up going to Emilie de Ravin)
Skip to about 2:15 for the Remember Me mention!
Alexandra Chando,
Remember Me,
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