Friday, September 4, 2009

Some 'Kind of New' Posters


New Bella & Edward Poster

Robert Pattinson on Bulgarian Other Magazine


New Still from New Moon - Rosalie

Source - TwiFans

New photos of Jackson Rathbone from his (2010) movie Dread

Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper Hale (Twilight) stars as Stephen Grace in his new film Dread (2010).  
Plot Summary: Three college students set out to study other people's fears. As the study progresses, one of the students, Quaid, begins to seek salvation from his obsession by exploiting the terrors of his fellow participants. 
Above pic courtesy of Source 1 (see below)

Visit SHOCKTILLYOUDROP.COM (click Source 2 below) for more pics & plot spoilers.