Monday, March 7, 2011

NW Mag (AU): R-Patz: "My Relationship with K-Stew is Traumatic!"

Really? Where's the WHOLE quote then??? or did you guys take it out of context yet again...

FAMOUS (AU): From Bella to Bad Girl - What happened to Kristen?

(Click to Enlarge)
Oh come on! Who looks fresh as a daisy at an airport!!?? Give her a break!
FAMOUS publish some unflattering shots of Kristen and say she's 'tired and rundown' pfft, they should publish a photo of me in the morning... I make a Gremlin fed after midnight cute!

Edward, Bella & Jacob's Breaking Dawn Costumes

Hot off the set of Breaking Dawn - costumes for Edward Bella and Jacob.
Click the thumbnails for bigger! (high res photos to come later)

What do you think of them?

Chris Weitz tweets about Rob's nipples, deleted scenes and more!

I'm so happy that Chris Weitz got a twitter! He's been talking to Twiight fans non-stop!
Here's just a few of things he's been saying...
(click for bigger!)

This is "The nipplegate"

Check out Chris Weitz's twitter for more!
Screencaps via RPLife

Scans and Photos of Cam Gigandet in "Wonderland Magazine"

Click for larger!

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