"Yesterday’s announcement about casting for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse brought the news that Boo Boo Stewart was to be the film’s Seth Clearwater might have been a surprise to some, but apparently not to everyone.
He issued this YouTube video back in June when casting was still on-going, thanking those who helped him promote himself for the role and recapping his hope to become a part of the film. Stewart is no novice to acting, either. Birth named Nils Allen Stewart, Jr., Boo Boo Stewart has played in a great number of films, including The Last Sentinel and The Fifth Commandment, and he has also appeared on televisions programs such as ER and Everybody Hates Chris.
Not only can Stewart act, but he has also been featured in several films and programs for stunt work, including Beowulf and Skeleton Man. Like his Eclipse pack-leader Taylor Lautner, too, Stewart has a great deal of experience in the field of martial arts. In one video (available here), Stewart even competed on America’s Most Talented Kid. He has been entered into halls of fame and championships for his martial artistry. Stewart also shares a talent for music like many of his other co-stars as well - like in a music video here.
His gift for music brought him on-board a couple of films as a music composer. He, with his sisters, is part of Disney’s T-Squad. Stewart has two films in post-production at the moment, including Dark Games and his own Logan. Though he is cute as a button, like his character in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, this is one fierce puppy.