Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rob Pattz is single ! Maybe...Maybe Not...

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson says he's single -- which pretty much makes the white hot actor the most eligible bachelor in the world.

Pattinson told The Daily Mirror (*cough Lies cough*)on Wednesday that his love life is not what some would believe it to be: "I don't have a girlfriend; I don't know why... you always think you're going to get more girls after you've made a movie and it never happens; You sit there and you're like, 'I'm a big movie star and I want to go out with some models,' but I don't know why that doesn't happen."

No,We're not buying it either. The Daily Mirror is hardly the most reliable 'source' in the world. We have a feeling that if Rob did indeed speak to them then he was reading from the script Summit gave him - its called 'Deny everything to keep people interested'.

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