Monday, October 22, 2012

New Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV Spot - "Generation"

Contains Spoilers of new Scenes!

via / via

Robert Pattinson in Australia: First Interview with Ten News

More from Rob's interview on Ten News (new part starts at 2:53)

MTV's The Twi-Fight Saga:
Help Decide The Best 'Twilight' Character!

The first round of the "Twi-Fight Saga" starts today at!

It's Vampire -V- werewolf -V- human as MTV News hosts this battle to end all battles!
64 Twilight-characters have entered the competition, but only one will emerge the Twi-Fight Saga champion — and who it is, is all up to you!

Here's how it will work:
Each week, fans will vote for their favourites in a head-to-head battle until only two are left to duke it out in one final face-off. The pair of finalists will be announced November 8, with the ultimate Twi-Fight champion crowned November 12!

Where will your alliances lie?

Twi-Fight Table - 22nd October 2012

Edward  -vs-   Kebi                      Bella  -vs-  Stefan
Irina  -vs-Alec       Renee  -vs-Marcus
Seth  -vs-Tia       Leah  -vs-Vladimir
James  -vs-Peter       Victoria  -vs-Senna
Mike  -vs-Benjamin        Billy Black  -vs-Eleazar
Esme  -vs-Chelsea       Charlie Swan  -vs-Nettie
Embry  -vs-Angela       Demetri  -vs-Tyler
Carlisle  -vs-Liam              Rosalie  -vs-Charlotte
Jacob  -vs-Amun              Alice  -vs-Charles
Jared  -vs-Quil              Garrett  -vs-Emily
Jessica  -vs-Tanya              Riley  -vs-Carmen
Jane  -vs-Zafrina              Sam  -vs-Nahuel
Laurent  -vs-Kate              Bree  -vs-Alistair
Aro  -vs-Lucy              Renesmee  -vs-Maria
Felix  -vs-Eric              Paul  -vs-Caius
Emmett  -vs-Siobhan              Jasper  -vs-Maggie
Cast your vote by CLICKING HERE now!

Nikki and Kellan Dublin Signing-Event Details!

As reported at the start of the month, Nikki Reed and Kellan Lutz will be attending a signing event this coming weekend in Dublin!

The event will take place on Saturday 27th October between 2.15pm and 4.15pm in the Convention Centre Dublin.
(CLICK HERE to see where it is!)

So be SURE to rearrange your ENTIRE day, and dig out your Breaking Dawn books, Calendars, posters, or DVD's.... or anything else you want to get signed!! :D

So... are you excited?! :D :D :D

***Click here for a chance to be top of the queue on the day!***