Taken from The East Valley Tribune:

"Followers of the “Twilight” series are apparently reproducing.
For the first time ever, the name Bella cracked the Top 20 for the names that parents gave to their newborn girls born this year in Arizona.
A year earlier, it managed to rank just 77th on the list.
But the popularity of the novels, and the movies that have followed — and of heroine Bella Swan — apparently does not translate across the gender barrier when parents are choosing names for their sons.
The popularity list provides no indication of who is on “Team Jacob’’ and who is on "Team Edward", as viewers [of the film] have divided their loyalties between the werewolf and the vampire.
It’s true that Jacob is the most popular name for boys. But that’s not new: It also placed there last year — and a decade earlier.
And Edward? Still not popular. It didn’t even crack the Top 100."
To read the full article, and to see the top 20 list of names, click here.