Good news for all of you Twi light fans. While at the Amer i can Film Mar ket (AFM), Steve snagged a photo of an updated syn op sis for The Twi light Saga: Break ing Dawn – Parts 1 and 2, the final chap ter of Stephe nie Meyer’s insanely pop u lar vam pire saga. The news is unlikely to cause a stir in the devout faith ful who have prob a bly read Break ing Dawn mul ti ple times by now. Those who are strictly invested in the cin e matic adap ta tions, how ever, are likely to enjoy sink ing their teeth into what we have to offer. Just beware of heavy spoil ers, as the syn op sis essen tially reveals the entire plot.
Break ing Dawn is directed by Bill Con don (Dream girls) from a script by Melissa Rosen berg (New Moon). The final chap ter has been bro ken up into two parts with the first set for release November of 2011, and the sec ond Novem ber 2012. Hit the jump for more.
Here’s the synopsis:
In the highly antic i pated next chap ter of the block buster The Twi light Sage, the new found married bliss of Bella Swan (Kris ten Stew art) and vam pire Edward Cullen (Robert Pat tin son) is cut short when a series of betray als and mis for tunes threat ens to destroy their world.
After their wed ding, Bella and Edward travel to Rio de Janeiro for their hon ey moon, where they finally give in to their pas sions. Bella soon dis cov ers she is preg nant, and dur ing a nearly fatal child birth, Edward finally ful fills her wish to become immortal.
But the arrival of their remark able daugh ter, Renes mee, sets in motion a per ilous chain of events that pits the Cul lens and their allies against the Vol turi, the fear some coun cil of vam pire lead ers, set ting the stage for an all-out battle.
The sus pense ful and deeply roman tic Break ing Dawn con tin ues the epic tale of super nat ural fantasy and pas sion ate love that has made The Twi light Saga a world wide phenomenon.
Cur rently in Pro duc tion. U.S. release via Sum mit Enter tain ment, Novem ber 18, 2011, and November 16, 2012.
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