Thursday, April 14, 2011

MTV First: First Trailer for ‘Abduction’ has been revealed!

Taylor presented the very first trailer for his upcoming film 'Abduction' exclusively on MTV First tonight. Check it out below!

The interview was really good, and they covered a lot of topics
They spoke about Breaking Dawn, Abduction, his dancing abilities, his favourite bands and films - and of course, he answered fans questions - to name just a few memorable things!
And this time, MTV didn't mess up the international links ;)

Did you miss it?
Don't worry, you can watch the interview by clicking here.

What do you think about the trailer? Good or bad?


  1. I feel Taylor needs some more time and experience before he can pull off a character like this but this is practice I guess. He doesn't seem to be fully engulfed in his role. I don't know if that will always be the case, we'll see.

  2. I just hope it's not gonna be at the MTV movie awards cuz that's agent he breaking dawn trailer supposed to come out!
