Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Be a part of a rare expe­ri­ence when you and your guests take part in a visit to the set of The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn in Van­cou­ver, BC!

Win­ner will receive the chance for four peo­ple total to expe­ri­ence first-hand the biggest pop cul­ture phe­nom­e­non of the decade as you spend a day on the set, includ­ing the chance to meet the film’s star Robert Pattinson!

This auc­tion pack­age includes 2 nights in a Deluxe Exec­u­tive Suite at the elite Four Sea­son Hotel in Van­cou­ver and VIP lim­ou­sine ser­vice to and from the Break­ing Dawnset pro­vided by Star Lim­ou­sine Services!

Break­ing Dawn is the fourth install­ment in the Twi­light Saga fran­chise, based on the pop­u­lar, best-selling nov­els by Stephanie Meyer. Break­ing Dawn is directed by Bill Con­don and in addi­tion to Robert Pat­tin­son, also stars Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Laut­ner, and Dakota Fanning.

The pro­ceeds for this item ben­e­fit GO Cam­paign

Terms: Air­fare to and from Van­cou­ver not included.

The win­ning bid­der and 3 guests must sign a non-disclosure agree­ment and pho­tos will be taken for you on site, but no cameras/camera phones will be allowed on the set.Auc­tion is not open to mem­bers of the press or any­one affil­i­ated with the press.

This expe­ri­ence will take place between late Feb­ru­ary through mid April 2011, when the crew is on the Van­cou­ver set. The spe­cific date within this range will be deter­mined based on the film’s pro­duc­tion sched­ule and win­ning bidder’s avail­abil­ity. The win­ning bid­der must be 18 or older, but there is no min­i­mum age for the guests. The oppor­tu­nity to meet Robert Pat­tin­son will depend on avail­abil­ity of his film­ing sched­ule. As last minute sched­ule changes can­not always be fore­seen, accom­mo­da­tion of winner’s sched­ule for meet and greet will be taken into consideration.

Go here to bid.


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