
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kristen Stewart spills new 'Snow White and the Huntsman' details

Kristen Stewart has shared a few new crucial details about what Universal Pictures' take on Grimm's "Snow White" fairytale will contain.

Stewart and SWATH are featured in the March 7th issue of SFX Magazine, and in a preview sample of the forthcoming interview, found on the publication's website, Stewart explained that there'll be a very dark scene involving the fate of "Snow White's" parents included in the film.
"She was put away when she was seven years old and her mother and her father were killed basically right in front of her. And we’re not doing the version of a fairytale that wouldn’t deal with all of those things, where you just sort of skim over all those things. It’s like all of these things are actually really important to the characters," she explained.
Stewart also talked about the ferocity of her "Snow White" version for the film.
"She’s definitely a born leader," she said. "She bleeds for her land and her people, and that’s just such a cool concept for me because it’s other people caring about people. I mean, she’s strong . . . I think she genuinely lacks that innate fear of death that we all have. She’s got serious, fierce survival, not skills but insights. But she isn’t afraid of anything.”
Snow White And The Huntsman hits theaters on June 1, 2012.

Source: Twi-Examiner

Jackson Rathbone is having a baby boy!!!

Jackson Rathbone has tweeted a scan of his baby, announcing that they are expecting a baby boy!
Huge congrats to Jackson and Sheila! :)
*Sheila is about 5 months pregnant at this stage, so we can expect
this baby boy to make an appearance in June/July!*

Christina Ricci talks Rob & Bel Ami on Daybreak (UK)
- Plus a New Scene

In case you missed it today.... Christina Ricci was on Daybreak this morning talking about Bel Ami and Robert Pattinson!
